Having hot water for you and your guests is essential in your Riverside, California, home. Nothing is worse than taking a cold shower, or not having enough hot water to do your dishes. If your water heater is not operating the way it should, and you are planning on a replacement, you should consider installing a tankless water heater. It offers many benefits, including an unlimited hot water supply, more space, savings on your energy bill, and fewer complications.
Unlimited Hot Water
Your traditional water heater works by heating the filled tank of water and continuing to heat new water that comes in. Unfortunately, this process can take some time, especially when you have recently used a lot of what was in the tank.
With a tankless water heater, the water flows through the heating element, warming it on its way to delivery. This means that the flow of hot water will remain constant — no more waiting for a refilled tank to warm up.
Provides More Space
Your traditional water heater probably takes up a decent amount of space in your basement or garage. Tankless water heaters are surprisingly compact, with the ability to sit next to your sink, in a closet, or mounted to the wall of your basement.
Savings on Your Energy Bills
A water heater is constantly running so that the water can remain heated and at the proper temperature. Tankless water heaters only heat when they need to, making them 34 percent more energy-efficient than other models.
Fewer Complications
Because a tankless water heater does not have a tank, you will have fewer problems in the event of a leak than you would with a traditional model. When a leak occurs, a tankless water heater simply needs to have the water shut off to address the problem. With a tank, the leak can cause the water that is remaining in the tank to form pools of water and cause water damage to the surrounding area.
Want to see how a tankless water heater can benefit your home? Contact Hush Air Heating & Air Conditioning at 951-789-4148 today.
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