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4 Benefits of Switching to a Smart Thermostat


If you don’t already have a smart thermostat, switching to one can make a huge difference in the overall comfort of your home as well as how your HVAC system operates. You can schedule your installation for smart thermostats in Riverside with our team whenever you are ready.

You can also keep reading to learn more about how smart thermostats are different from standard thermostats and why making an upgrade is worthwhile. If you still have questions, you can always give our team a call and we can talk to you in greater detail and help you decide what kind of smart thermostat is best for your home and family.

Ease of Use

A smart thermostat is much easier to use compared to an older model thermostat. This may seem counterintuitive if you perceive that your older thermostat is simpler to operate because it has fewer options. But a smart thermostat connects to Wi-Fi and allows you to adjust settings from anywhere. 

If you like to adjust your thermostat a little higher when you’re away from home to save money, you can use an app on your smartphone, tablet, or computer to adjust the temperature back down to cool your home again before you arrive. 


Better yet, you can automate settings by pre-programming times for your thermostat to adjust up and down. If you leave for work at the same time every day and arrive back home around the same time, you can automate your thermostat to increase the temperature in the morning and then adjust back down to a cooler setting about 30 minutes before you plan to be back home. You can do the same thing overnight and adjust your thermostat slightly higher while you are sleeping. Then cool your home back down again before you wake up in the morning without any manual work required. 

Save Money

When you have a smart thermostat in place, you can save money in a couple of different ways. The first way is by having more precise temperature settings. Older thermostats that have a manual knob can leave you guessing at the temperature that you’re trying to set your thermostat to. Setting your thermostat even just a couple of degrees off from what you think can cost you on energy bills. 

The precision of a smart thermostat takes out the guesswork. But you can also save by utilizing the automation settings to adjust your thermostat throughout the day and maximize energy efficiency. You can save a significant amount of money by not cooling your home quite as much when nobody is there.

Help Your HVAC System

When you maximize thermostat settings, you can lighten the load on your HVAC system. By giving the system a little break so that it doesn’t have to work as hard, your HVAC system takes on less wear and tear. This can help extend the expected lifespan so that your unit can last longer before needing to be replaced.

Your Comfort Is Our Priority. Contact the Hush Air team today to schedule an appointment for a smart thermostat in Riverside, CA.

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