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What’s My Home’s Ideal Comfort and Efficiency Temperature?

Indoor Air Qual

If you’re living in Norco, CA, you want your home to feel comfortable, and you likely also want it to be energy-efficient. Here are a few things to note when setting your home’s ideal comfort and efficiency temperature.

Ideal Temperature for Your Home Comfort

Everyone has a different idea of what temperature is comfortable for them. Since you’re living in your home, you can decide its ideal temperature. However, the average person prefers a temperature between 68 and 78 degrees.

The ideal temperatures vary with season, location and household occupants. You’ll likely want it to be a bit warmer in the winter than in the spring and fall. If you live in a warm climate, you may find that you can get away with a lower temperature than someone who lives in a colder climate.

Ideal Temperature for Your Bedrooms

While you may like your home to be a certain temperature, consider the needs of your family members as well. Everyone sleeps differently, so what might be comfortable for you could be too hot or too cold for someone else.

The best way to find the ideal temperature for your bedrooms is to experiment. Start with a moderate temperature and adjust as needed. You can also invest in a programmable thermostat to set different temperatures for different times of the day.

How to Maintain Ideal Temperature

There are a few ways to maintain your home’s ideal temperature. You can use a manual or programmable/smart thermostat.

Manual thermostats work by manually setting the temperature to your desired level and then turning it off or on as needed. In contrast, programmable and smart thermostats automatically adjust the temperature based on the schedule you set.

The downside of a manual thermostat is that you have to remember to adjust it as the seasons and your needs change. Smart thermostats can take care of that for you; automatic heating, for example, can save you money on your energy bill. That being said, smart thermostats require upfront investment.

If you need help finding the ideal temperature for your home or troubleshooting your air conditioning system, reach out to Hush Air Heating & Air Conditioning. Our team will gladly help you determine an ideal temperature for your home for comfort and efficiency.

Image provided by iStock

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